JumpStart 3-5: Adventures of Doctor Brain is specially designed toprepare students for success in school. It features more than140 games, missions, and adventures that teach over 75 skills. JumpStart's unique adventure-based learning system offerslessons in a variety of fun-filled formats so that your child can learnthrough his or her own natural learning style. Dr. Brain ison a top secret mission and has chosen you to join his time-travelingteam. Jump in the Super Time Slicer to save the past from theevil Goo Gords, race across floating platforms to defeat the meddlingHenchmen, and use your smarts to outwit the IQ Actionizer in thesefuturistic adventures.
JumpStart 3-5: Adventures of Doctor Brain is specially designed toprepare students for success in school. It features more than140 games, missions, and adventures that teach over 75 skills. JumpStart's unique adventure-based learning system offerslessons in a variety of fun-filled formats so that your child can learnthrough his or her own natural learning style. Dr. Brain ison a top secret mission and has chosen you to join his time-travelingteam. Jump in the Super Time Slicer to save the past from theevil Goo Gords, race across floating platforms to defeat the meddlingHenchmen, and use your smarts to outwit the IQ Actionizer in thesefuturistic adventures.
Product Highlights
- Your child sets the pace while exploring new worlds anddiscovering games
- Trivia-style lessons make learning fun and exciting
- Puzzles and challenges help your child practice criticalthinking skills
- Customizable worlds and characters encourage creativity andself-expression
Product Features
- Create your own character and dress for time travel
- Use the Super Time Slicer to teleport through time
- Explore Dr. Brain's futuristic undersea lab
- Release exotic creatures to the Aquarium Refuge
- Train your brain in the IQ Actionizer
- Test your speed as your race through ancient worlds
- Challenge the Good Gords high in the sky
Skills Learned
- Comprehension
- Syllables
- Prefixes
- Suffixes
- Decoding Words
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Homophones
- Verb Tenses
- Visual Discrimination
- Mathematical Reasoning
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Geometry
- Place Value
- Word Problems
- Fractions
- Estimation
- Charts and Graphs
- Counting Coins
- Measurement Tools
- Area and Perimeter
- Parts of Speech
- Sentence Structure
- Spelling
- Proper Capitalization
- Problem Solving
- Following Directions
- Sorting by Attributes
- US Geography
- US Government
- World Geography
- Reading Maps
- History
Macintosh System Requirements
Item Condition: New
- Macintosh OS X 10.4 - 10.6.3
- 1.2 GHz processor or better
- 512 MB of RAM
- 3D video card with 64 MB of memory
- 1.4 GB of available hard disk space (recommended)
Item Condition: New